The lights are on

Fear does not exist, it doesn’t lurk inside of me. It is a manifestation of my mind, an emotional response my mind creates when certain environmental factors shift a little too far in the wrong direction. Quite often for me, this is simply light; daylight to be...

Are you authentic?

I find I spot oxymorons all the time now. These can be annoyingly common in fact, and I log these small irritations continually throughout my day. Take internet security as a case in point. I’ll come to that in a moment but I’d like to clarify, I am not...


Inspiration can manifests itself in strange ways. Occasionally it hits like an excited child running smack bang into me at school pick-up time. Other times it is a slow persistent idea creeping, crowbarring its way into my consciousness when I meditate, dragging me...


I have been acquired. I’m still getting used to the term, and to saying it without sniggering; but I’m getting there. When I look back three years ago, coming home from hospital, a shuffling old lady with wild hair, walking stick and huge owl-like eyes, I...

Bright sparks  

Ask a child what is cleverer – a brain or a computer? and you get a volley of conflicting answers thrown back at you. I can vouch for this personally, as I stood in front of a room full of ten year olds earlier this year and put that exact question to them. I...

Let MindSong sing…

Sometimes we don’t know where we are going, until we get there… I’m convinced someone highly influential has already uttered those prophetic words; if not, then somebody really should have. The very start of this enterprise, this mission, wasn’t anything...